AWF Outdoor Classroom Grant Application

All AWF Outdoor Classroom Grant Applications must be submitted using our newly updated online grant application (below) by Friday, Oct. 29, 2021!

ELIGIBILITY: If your school is enrolled in our Alabama Outdoor Classroom Program, you are eligible to apply for an AWF Outdoor Classroom Grant up to $1,000. If you are not sure if you are enrolled, then you can check our Outdoor Classroom Schools Map. If your school is not listed, then contact us so that we can check on your enrollment status.

GRANT RULES & INSTRUCTIONS: Before you begin filling out your grant application, you must read AWF’s Outdoor Classroom Grant Rules & Instructions (PDF). It includes details such as which projects are eligible for a grant, how we evaluate and score applications, what information you need to provide to fill out your grant application, and what the protocol is for grant recipients.

YOUR OC ID#: To begin the application, you must provide your school’s Outdoor Classroom ID number, which can be found near the top of your school's OC webpage via the OC Schools Map. This allows you to fill out your grant application in multiple online sessions if needed, and it auto-fills your grant application with the data in your school's OC Records Hub (at the bottom of your school's OC webpage).   

This year’s online AWF Outdoor Classroom Grant application is different from last year’s application!

STEP 1: Complete your grant application in a word processing file before you fill out your online grant application to minimize the amount of time you spend editing your application online.

STEP 2: Click the “SAVE” button at the bottom of the Grant Application web page each time before exiting the application.

STEP 3: After you complete the online application, click the “SUBMIT” button at the bottom of the page.

Once you have correctly submitted your grant application, a confirmation web page will pop up and a copy of your application will be emailed to the Project Coordinator’s email address.

Please sign in

To create, update, or submit your school’s AWF Outdoor Classroom Grant Application, enter your email address and your school’s Outdoor Classroom ID number below:

Note: You must be listed as an active member on the school’s outdoor classroom planning committee in the school’s OC Data Hub to submit a grant application. If you are not, then you need to ask the school’s Outdoor Classroom Coordinator to add you and your email to the OC Data Hub.