2-Day Fly Fishing Course

May 06-07, 2017



2-Day Fly Fishing Course
May 6th & 7th
Saturday 8am-11:30am
Sunday 1:30pm- 4:30pm

If you want to learn about the art of fly fishing then this program is for you! Come join us at the ANC. Doug Darr with the Alabama Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Division will teach fly fishing basics and techniques along with tips to catch fish. Guests are encouraged to bring their own fly rod and reel; however, we do have fly fish gear for participants. Be sure to register early as this class will fill up quickly, and there is a maximum capacity for this class. Your registration the fly fishing course, admission to the ANC, and a small fly box!  

Ages 12 and up
Admission:  $25.00 GET YOUR TICKET NOW!
Class size limited.